in the beginning


I never set out to pursue this path. This path found me.

It was my own personal journey to better health and inner-fulfillment that inspired my purpose to help others live a life of WHOLENESS, deeply connected to their heart’s true visions and desires, doing more of the things they LOVE.



Jess is a fully qualified therapist with a four-year bachelor degree in occupational therapy. She is also a registered mental health practitioner and yoga-meditation teacher.

She writes, teaches yoga, runs retreats, regularly immerses in nature and loves spending time with her beautiful family.

She also works in youth mental health, guiding and empowering our younger generation to take better care of themselves, look after their mental wellbeing and supporting them to achieve their dreams and goals for a bright future.

She has a big vision to make a difference in the way people engage with life.

Jess believes when we give ourselves permission to dream big, and flourish into our fullness, we discover our ultimate wellbeing and create ripple effects of change.

We get to do more of the things we love and contribute to a more beautiful world.


After several years of pushing to the limits of exhaustion, feeling stuck, and dealing with the curve balls of life, Jess experienced significant burn out and depletion.

She just knew that things had to change.


So, after 15 years of working in the mainstream medical industry, providing care to thousands of patients from all walks of life…

… and then recovering from burn out herself, Jess realised it was time to break out, follow her heart’s inner whispers, and start her own integrative wellness practice to help others flow, thrive and live the soul-purpose life they truly desire.

passion, understanding & compassion

Jess is an experienced Multidimensional Therapist & Mindfulness Meditation Teacher


Jess believes in the power of compassion, understanding and self compassionate embodied practises as the cornerstones for healing.

She is passionate about helping you connect with your values, and live out your innermost dreams and visions.

She believes every one of us has our own unique inner-essence - our β€˜soul’s song’ – eagerly waiting to bring forth its gifts.


What’s it like working with Jess?

Jess believes when we Connect with our truest self, and act on our deepest heartfelt desires, we get to LIve in a greater state of aliveness and joy.

Jess guides, teaches, and supports you on how to access that truest part of yourself – your core essence – so you can flow and flourish in all areas of your life. She uses:

  • embodied meditation and breathwork practices to help deepen your mind-body connection, calm your nervous system and promote positive wellbeing from the inside out.

  • deeply nurturing wellness tools and strategies to help you process and release emotional triggers, traumas or blocks in a healthy, mindful and compassionate way.

  • well researched mindset and lifestyle approaches to help you integrate your entire being, so you can feel balanced, connected, and living in alignment.

Embrace your open heart, and surrender to the love and beauty that resides here. Allow this to be the light and wisdom that shows you the way forward.
— jess

 Find out more about Jess’ services here >>


free yourself

Jess would love to help you create a life that is beautiful, aligned and whole

Wellbeing Services